Sunday, April 6, 2014

Pirate Look

Over the weekend I attended a party with the theme of pirates! I have to admit, I wasn't too excited about going at first... I didn't know what to wear! Sure I was imagining all sorts of fun and interesting looks to dress in and be absolutely, 100% pirate-y, but I didn't want to spend money on clothes I didn't need or might not ever wear again, no matter how inexpensive. So, I had to get a little creative with some pieces just waiting to be put together for the first time, and most likely the last, already in my closet. And here's what I found! I wanted to go the more realistic route with my costume, since all of the pieces I was incorporating would be regular clothing items, and not specific costume pieces. My initial instinct was earth tones, earth tones, EARTH TONES! So let's start from the top and work our way down the ensemble. Around my head, I've tied a very simple black scarf, and allowed the strands to drape over my outfit. For earrings, I went with some I had that reminded me of coins or gold, certainly pirate-esk. For a pop of color against all of the earthy colors, I layered together two turquoise necklaces. Next I decided to go with a creme colored top, an over-sized dark green button up, a thick brown waist belt, three bracelets of various styles and colors, a tan mini skirt, and my favorite boots, which have managed to make it on here a few times. All in all, I was extremely proud of this look. I don't believe I could have put together a better look for such an occasion if I had set off to purchase some pieces in particular. 

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