Sunday, June 23, 2013

"Don't Settle for Second Best Baby!"

It's natural to have a certain preference when it comes to shopping.  You might prefer one brand to another, one fabric to another, or perhaps you're like me and don't know what you prefer until you find it!  For a long time now I've known I wanted a pair of nude pumps. They're such a versatile shoe; able to go with so many ensembles and can be worn for practically any occasion.  For years I'd been keeping my eyes open for just the perfect pair, because when it comes to shoes, I'm a just a little on the picky side.  But that's ok!  You should never have to settle for any item of clothing especially shoes and I wasn't about to!  A few weeks ago I was out searching for nothing in particular at JC Penny's which is a store that's all about some sales so naturally I'm a regular! In fact I found a pair of $.97 leggings reduced to %20 off that day! Unheard of right? But even that wasn't my favorite purchase. No I finally stumbled upon what I had been looking for all this time. THE pair of nude pumps! Liz Claiborne AND only $5. 5 has really become my lucky number lately! Patience, as they say, is a virtue and I believe mine paid off as I was hoping it would!

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