Tuesday, June 11, 2013

My Golden Rules

So you want to become a savvy shopper?! Excellent!! Then first off let me tell you my rules to complete success in the land of retail.

#1 "No sale? No sale." Meaning if it's not "on sale" then don't consider it "for sale". If you're going to save money, you've got to set yourself some limitations. But after following this rule for years, I don't consider my shopping choices limited by any means!

#2 Nothing Over $30. On sale or not.. If the price exceeds 30 bucks, move along to the next item of interest.

#3 Buy Things You'll ACTUALLY wear. I know this may seem like common sense but how many times have we walked up to a particular garment outside of our personal style comfort zone and thought "Oh yeah I can totally find an excuse to wear this eventually!", bought it and it's now that mistake hanging in your closet taunting you. Don't let that happen! It's nice to buy different things than we might on the regular but those should be things that we can incorporate into our current wardrobe. Things that we really like in the store, so we'll definitely wear them later. Leave the "uncertain" pieces on the rack and out of your closet! Someone else may come along and absolutely love that sweater you only kinda sorta thought you might wear someday.

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