Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Exceptions

If there are rules then there must be exceptions right!? Of course! For rules 1 and 2 of my list below, I do recommend some lenience. If everything I ever bought was always on sale, I wouldn't have some of the great pieces in my wardrobe that I do!

If you happen to come along your dream pair of sling backs but they're neither on sale or under $30.. so what!? Get 'em! It's not every day you come across your ideal make and style of shoe so you can't pass up an opportunity as such. Paying $60 or $70 is fine.. as long as you're not finding "your dream" whatever, every week! In addition to this.. Let's say I come across a beautifully well made suede jacket by Ralph Lauren, originally priced at $250, now $45. You'd think I'd walk away from a deal like that even though it breaks my $30 rule? Nonsense! If I like that jacket I'd be crazy not to grab it! Deals like that can't be found on a daily basis so count your blessings and invest in some serious style!

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